May 16·edited May 16Liked by Ciara Tavares-Reyes

I can't disagree with this! As a TI I am shamed for spending a little each week on groceries.. tortured for going to a shop! Tortured for cleaning up a house, ridiculed and tortured for going outside!

We have people earning millions and as the lady states huge corps sucking in vast profits. BP etc.

Here in the UK, you have the private sector running our utilities.. people in fuel poverty whilst companies such as centrica taking in billions every year. Australian companies such as Mcquaire group asset stripping our water companies to pay share holders etc, meanwhile we have rivers full of sewage. A CEO of a water company informing us that people of UK have no right to bathe in the sea!

No reservoirs to serve our extensive rainfall..we retain just 2% of rainfall each year..I could go on.

A shadow government running the UK, you don't like it you find yourself treated as though you are a dissident! Sectioned or thrown in a prison.

A self serving elite who take and prevent others from living!

Yes we know what needs to be done!

Good post!

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Thanks I watch her a lot and I'm sure she's targeted cuz this is the kind of stuff that puts us on the list being real being honest.

But yet I posted this on Twitter and I got called a perp by another TI.

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You mean a perp calling you a perp! They do it in attempt to discredit!

She is switched on! Anyone telling like it is, according to them, must have autism..its just being honest! Unlike the GS perps who stalk, and will not own up to their own sorry behaviour.."Whats gangs..what did you say..I'm just shopping luv"...yep!!!!

Good post!

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It was someone who I would have never expected. We were close and this post got him calling me a perp and we used to talk on the phone and everything I'm really hurt but this.

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Ciara, it was possibly someone emulating him, this goes on a lot! They do this! Are you sure it was him? It happens on Quora the whole time!

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Yes I took a screenshot of the post.

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